Please follow the instructions below to run an analysis on your chemical mechanism files

  1. Register by clicking on the register button at the top of the page.
  2. Then Login using the username/email address and password you just created.
  3. Click on the Files tab to upload CHEMKIN formatted thermodynamic and mechanism files.
    1. Select the type of file you will be uploading (thermodynamic or mechanism)
    2. Browse to a file on your local machine
    3. Give the file a description
    4. Click upload
    5. Repeat for second file type (thermodynamic or mechanism)
  4. Click on Begin Run tab
    1. In Analysis field select Ignition Delay Diagnostic to use the mechanism checker or Thermodynamic Diagnostic
    2. Select both the mechanism and thermodynamic files to use
    3. Click submit
  5. If using thermo checker you can confirm files are correct, select both filter values, then click run
  6. If using the Ignition Delay Diagnostic you can enter the parameters for the run and click submit (you will have to enter a fuel species and can change the oxidizer species if you desire. Make sure the format is correct and that each species’ case matches that in your files, confirm files then click run
  7. You will then be taken to the results page where you can download output text files or check out plots if you run the thermo checker. This may take a while for larger mechanism.

Here is a list of common syntax problems in mechanism and thermodynamic files that will cause problems with the parsers

The mehods used for the tools implemented on this website are explained in this paper and can be cited as Killingsworth, N. J., McNenly, M. J., Whitesides, R. A., & Wagnon, S. W. (2020). Cloud based tool for analysis of chemical kinetic mechanisms. Combustion and Flame, 221, 170-179.

Send a message to us via the Contact Page if you have any questions.

Thanks for using the Mech Checker web tool!